ESL Courses
Students need to earn a B- or above to pass all ESL courses.
All semesters are approximately 7 weeks long: Fall I, Fall II, Winter I, Winter II, and Summer I (No ESL classes are offered during Summer II.)
Class Schedule Academic Calendar
Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0018N
For non-native speakers of English only. Designed to build fundamental English proficiency skills in phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension of text in English. Prerequisite(s): placement
Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0028N
For non-native speakers only. Designed to help students develop general-purpose reading skills and strategies. Emphasis on vocabulary development, phonics and fundamental reading strategies for comprehending text. Prerequisites: ESL 0018N or ESL 0118 with a grade B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0200).
Level 3 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0038N
For non-native speakers only. Designed to help students develop reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. Emphasis on decoding and comprehension strategies with an emphasis on word formation techniques in English. Prerequisites: ESL 0028N or ESL 0228 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0300).
Level 4 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0048N
For non-native speakers only. Designed to help students develop reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. Emphasis on comprehension and retention strategies. Prerequisites: ESL 0038N or ESL 0338 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0400).
Level 5 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0058N
For non-native speakers only. Focus on developing reading comprehension skills and strategies and to develop critical thinking skills while increasing receptive vocabulary skills. Prerequisites: ESL 0048N or ESL 0448 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0500).
Level 6 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0068N
For non-native speakers only. Designed to help students develop reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. Emphasizes critical analysis, handling heavy reading loads and developing appropriate technical vocabularies. Prerequisites: ESL 0058N or ESL 0558 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0600).
Level 7 - Reading and Vocabulary Development: ESL 0078N
For non-native speakers only. Designed to help students refine reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. Emphasizes critical analysis and close reading skills. Prerequisites: ESL 0068N or ESL 0668 or ESL 0080N or ESL 0780 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0700).
Level 8 - Reading and Vocabulary Development for Research: ESL 0088N
For non-native speakers only. Designed to aid graduate students with the tasks of reading and comprehending substantive research papers or theses. Emphasis will be on critical thinking skills and vocabulary development. Prerequisites: ESL 0078N or ESL 0778 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0825).
Writing and Sentence Structure: ESL 0019N
For non-native speakers of English only. Designed to build fundamental grammar skills in written English so that students can construct simple sentences. Prerequisite(s): placement.
Writing and Technology: ESL 0029N
For non-native speakers only. Practice in the development of fundamental computer literacy, typing, and writing skills utilizing technology. Prerequisites: ESL 0019N or ESL 0119 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0200).
Level 3 - Writing Fluency: ESL 0039N
For non-native speakers only. Designed for students of ESL to improve writing skills in English with an emphasis on writing fluency and organizational techniques. Prerequisite: ESL 0029N or ESL 0229 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0300).
Level 4 - Writing and Technology: ESL 0049N
For non-native speakers only. Practice in the development of intermediate computer literacy, typing, and writing skills utilizing technology. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0039N or ESL 0339 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0400).
Level 5 - Application of Grammar Skills in Process Writing: ESL 0059N
For non-native speakers only. An intensive study and application of grammatical structures to strengthen voice, syntax, and cohesion in writing for a variety of academic purposes. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0049N or ESL 0449 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0500).
Level 6 - Writing for Academic Purposes: ESL 0069N
For non-native speakers only. Improving basic knowledge of paragraph structure, linear sequencing and grammatical structures used in writing. Introduction and use of the writing process: brainstorming, writing, revision, self/peer editing, proofreading. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0059N or ESL 0559 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0600).
Level 7 - Academic Writing: ESL 0079N
For non-native speakers only. Practice in the development of advanced computer literacy, typing, and writing skills utilizing technology. Combines extensive practice in process writing for a variety of audiences and purposes (e.g., lab reports, essays and research reports) with an emphasis on developing fluency. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0069N or ESL 0669 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0700).
Level 7 - Test Prep: ESL 0080N
For non-native speakers of English only. Preparation for successful performance on English language proficiency tests for ESL students. Students will learn specific test-taking strategies while improving their skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0069N or ESL 0669 with a grade of B- or higher or placement or placement (ESLW score of 0700)
Level 8 - Academic Writing for Research Purposes: ESL 0089N
For non-native speakers only. Designed to aid graduate students with the tasks of writing substantive research papers or thesis. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0079N or ESL 0779 or ESL 080N or ESL 0780 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0825).
Listening and Speaking: ESL 0017N
This course is for non-native speakers of English. To aid in the development of fundamental English proficiency skills so students will be able to communicate very simple spoken commands and understand simple directions in English. Prerequisite(s): placement.
Listening and Speaking: ESL 0027N
For non-native speakers only. To aid students in developing general listening and speaking skills through guided conversational practice. Students will be instructed in appropriate conversational techniques and will practice in group discussions. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0017N or ESL 0117 with grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0200).
Level 3 - Conversation Skills: ESL 0037N
For non-native speakers only. Guides students towards differentiating aurally between the vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns of spoken American English. Through structured conversation students will be introduced to expressions as encountered in everyday communicative situations. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0027N or ESL 0227 with grade of B- or higher or placement(ESLL score of 0300).
Level 4 - Introduction to American Culture and Customs: ESL 0047N
For non-native speakers only. Introduction to the environment and culture of the United States. Students will participate in specific listening and speaking tasks supported with additional reading and writing tasks, as they relate to practical cultural information. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0037N or ESL 0337 with grade of B- or higher or placement(ESLL score of 0400).
Level 5 - Listening and Speaking for Academics: ESL 0057N
For non-native speakers only. To introduce students to the necessary listening and speaking skills for an academic environment. Focus will be on listening and speaking in a variety of class settings (lecture, seminar, discussion) and will include note-taking and subject comprehension. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0047N or ES 0447 with a grade of B- or higher or placement(ESLL score of 0500).
Level 6 - Conversation Skills: ESL 0067N
For non-native speakers only. Provides students with structured conversation, study and practice. Designed for effective communication with native speakers of English in a variety of diverse settings with a focus on academic environments. Pronunciation of the vowels, consonant clusters, reductions, linking, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns of American English will be emphasized. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0057N or ESL 0557 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0600).
Level 7 - Listening and Speaking for Academics: ESL 0077N
For non-native speakers only. Guides students toward mastery of the skills necessary to succeed in the academic setting. Focus is on student demonstration of their ability to communicate and understand English effectively in a variety of academic situations such that they are prepared for integration into general education courses. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0067N or ESL 0667 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0700).
Level 7 - Test Prep: ESL 0080N
For non-native speakers only. Preparation for successful performance on English language proficiency tests for ESL students. Students will learn specific test-taking strategies while improving their skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0067N or ESL 0667 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0700).
Level 8 - Listening and Speaking: English for Academic Success: ESL 0087N
This course is for non-native speakers of English. Emphasis on improving presentation skills, particularly pronunciation, and on addressing issues relevant to graduate student success. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0077N or ESL 0777 or ESL 0080N or ESL 0780 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0825).
ESL Institute/Office of Global Engagement
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
Phone: (248) 370-4164
Fax: (248) 370-3587
[email protected]